CARE Awards

For over 30 years, Northern Virginia Family Service (NVFS) has presented the CARE Awards to recognize outstanding companies proactively making our region a better place for everyone to work, live, and play. The 2024 CARE Awards application closed on June 18th. CARE winners will be recognized at the CARE Awards event on November 13, 2024.

Does your company utilize outstanding culture and employee engagement strategies to create a positive work environment? Consider applying for CARE today to have your efforts recognized!

2024 CARE Awards Timeline
June 18: Applications closed
Mid-September: Winners are notified
November 13: CARE Awards event

Congratulations to all of our 2023 CARE Awards Winners!

Thank you to our 2023 CARE Awards Sponsors!

CARE AWARDS Winners Best Practices

The CARE Best Practices flyer is a summary of the way CARE-ing companies are creating a supportive, inclusive, and enjoyable atmosphere where employees and businesses are poised to thrive.

2023 Best Practices   2022 Best Practices


CARE Awards Event Photos