Training Futures

Investing in Talent, Investing in the Future

Training Futures is a nationally recognized workforce development program with proven results, providing training for living-wage professional careers. It offers an innovative curriculum in a simulated office environment with two primary goals: to help under- and unemployed adults secure professional careers with potential for advancement and to meet the needs of local employers who seek qualified, entry-level workers.

Established in 1996, this dynamic program has set up more than 2,500 people from diverse backgrounds and experiences to take the next step in their career. Within six months of graduation, the majority of graduates earn employment.

“It’s hard to pick one thing about Training Futures that stands out to me. Everything I do here changes me for the better.”
– Training Futures Graduate

NVFS is committed to workforce development and the Training Futures program is a core and priority service area within our organization. With each new training cycle, we continue to explore the ways in which we can adapt and evolve our business model to continue to be effective and financially sustainable and ensure that we remain the premier provider of transformational workforce development services well into the future.

Our program is designed to give job seekers the tools, guidance, and confidence to successfully (re)enter the job market.

Are you ready to take the next step? Stay tuned for more information about the next cohort. Please fill out the online form below to register or receive more information about the program.

Fill out the online form.

Building Lasting Success with Training Futures

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Powerful Partnerships

How Training Futures provides a talent pipeline to local companies, such as National Skills Coalition