NVFS Early Head Start
Early Head Start Centers & Home-Based Programs
NVFS’ Early Head Start programs provide tools and resources to pregnant women and parents of children ages 0-3 at home and at our centers so that they can build a brighter future for their family. NVFS Early Head Start offers these programs in Arlington, Loudoun and Prince William counties.
At our centers, children receive:
- Full-day, full-year care, with a child-centered approach to learning
- Daily nutritious meals
- Coordinated services to provide comprehensive solutions to the child’s health and educational needs
In our home-based program, parent educators come to participants’ homes and receive:
- A weekly 90-minute education session
- Twice a month family gatherings for play and socialization
- Links to a variety of resources and services based on participants’ needs
NVFS also offers Head Start for children ages 3-5, as well as our Healthy Families home-visiting program for families with children ages pre-birth to 3 or 4 years old depending on jurisdiction.
Early Childhood Education Space Available at Award-Winning NVFS Center
For more than 30 years, Northern Virginia Family Service has operated high-quality Early Head Start Programming throughout Northern Virginia. We have openings at four of our centers for children ages 0 to 2.5 years. Spaces are available on a first-come-first-served basis.
ECE Infant and Toddler Programming | Daycare Enrollment Application
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Our Stories
Early Childhood DevelopmentRanjit |
As Ranjit’s situation seemed to become bleaker, a small ray of hope shone through. At just the right time, Ranjit heard about NVFS’ Early Head Start program.
Early Childhood DevelopmentSezounde |
With services from Early Head Start and social interactions with their peers at daycare, both of Sezounde’s children are hitting all the right milestones — and she now has the tools with which to build them a brighter future.