Building a Stronger Community
Homeless Shelter
Temple Rodef Shalom’s commitment to NVFS spans multiple programs and activities, including in-kind support of our homeless shelters, Healthy Families and Head Start programs, Youth Initiatives program, Community Housing, Hunger Resource Center and Back-to-School Drive. Its congregation members have also prepared the garden at Bailey’s Crossroads Community Shelter every spring, which NVFS previously operated.
The organization has also provided grants in support of our homeless shelters.
“Temple Rodef Shalom is pleased to support Northern Virginia Family Service. Our organization is committed to supporting charitable work with immediate impact and that meets the most critical and time-sensitive needs of children and families. We consider it among our highest priorities to preserve family integrity whenever possible and to provide goods and services that raise up the person … physically and spiritually,” shares Cookie Mandell, director of congregational engagement.
Thank you, Temple Rodef Shalom, for your continued partnership!

"NVFS' holistic approach to move families and individuals in crisis toward independence is particularly encouraging to us. The diversity of the clientele NVFS serves, and the efficiencies of staff and programming are also key factors in Temple Rodef Shalom's decision to support NVFS," says Cookie Mandell, director of congregational engagement