Behind the Scenes: NVFS' Gala Silent Auction Committee Chair
Special Events
A longtime teacher dedicated to service, Tina had been familiar with NVFS through her close friends, Barbara and Allan Ratner, but never had the time to commit to volunteering while she was working. Once Tina retired, however, Barbara saw an opportunity to engage her through the silent auction committee for NVFS’ Road to Independence Gala.
“The more I learned about the scope and depth of the work NVFS does, the more I witnessed the commitment of the staff, the more committed I became,” Tina recalls. “It has grown into a passion, and I have served for the last eight years as chair of the Silent Auction Committee.”
Tina thrives on hard work, challenges, creativity and resourcefulness, which are definitely assets to creating a successful silent auction, and enjoys the opportunity to exercise different aspects of her brain through problem-solving and brainstorming around new and exciting ideas for the auction.
“The best part, however, is being part of such a great team of dedicated professionals and volunteers,” she notes. “I have built very special relationships, and I treasure that. I have been very blessed in my life — and my personal mission has long been paying it forward in whatever ways I can. Serving on the Gala Committee and the Silent Auction Committee for NVFS’ biggest fundraising event of the year gives me a way to do that in a big way.”
“Like most people, I enjoy the feeling of a job well done, so the day after the gala is always a favorite day for me!” she adds.
Some of Tina’s favorite silent auction memories are the special donations she’s been able to secure over the years, including a beautiful opal necklace from a vacation to Adelaide, Australia, tickets to The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and The Daily Show with Trevor Noah — even premium seats and a “Meet & Greet” with actor/singer Matthew Morrison through one of Morrison’s former teachers (a former student of Tina’s).
Thank you, Tina, for all you and the silent auction committee do to help make our event a success year after year!

"The more I learned about the scope and depth of the work NVFS does, the more I witnessed the commitment of the staff, the more committed I became," Tina recalls.