Village of Impact

Virtual Service Project

You’re invited to participate in National Volunteer Week (April 15 – 21) by completing a service project together as a family from your own home. You will create “no-sew” blankets for youth and adult immigrants who are acclimating to their new lives in our community. During a difficult transition like this the warmth and security of a blanket can go a long way to easing their fears and anxiety.

To participate, please compete the form below, pick up your materials at NVFS’ Oakton Office, make the blanket at your own convenience and return them to NVFS by May 31.

Questions? Please contact us at 571.748.2901.


    Please select the day on which you will pick up project materials at NVFS’ Oakton Office. Materials will be ready for pick up between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. at the NVFS reception desk at 10455 White Granite Drive, Suite 100, Oakton, VA 22124